Administrative Court in Bratislava removes barriers for disabled citizens

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The Administrative Court in Bratislava thinks about disabled citizens. It has modified methods of assistance for hearing and visually impaired citizens. In particular, the instructions on procedural rights and obligations are placed in braille in front of each hearing room.  Similarly, each hearing room, the registry office, and the information centre are adapted to the needs of hearing-impaired citizens using audio transmission equipment. These steps taken by the President of the Administrative Court in Bratislava, Jeannette Hajdinova, are highly appreciated by Marcela Kosová, the President of the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic: "The Administrative Court in Bratislava has taken measures that at least in part, make life of hearing and visually impaired people easier. Thanks to these new measures equal and fair access to information will be ensured. Furthermore, it will contribute to removing barriers in communication with the court in the case of disabled persons, which is a step forward for the Slovak judiciary as a whole", concluded Marcela Kosová.

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