Appeal of the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic in connection with the draft law on measures to improve the security situation in the Slovak Republic
The Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic today adopted a resolution on the draft law on certain measures to improve the security situation in the Slovak Republic, which it delivered to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Róbert Kaliňák, and the Deputy Chairman of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Peter Žiga.
In the resolution, the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic stated that it was aware of the inevitable need to address the security situation in the Slovak Republic, including through legislative changes. With reference to Article 4(1)(f) of Act No 185/2002 Coll. On the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, however, it stated that in the case of the proposed amendment to the Criminal Code contained in the draft Act on Certain Measures to Improve the Security Situation in the Slovak Republic, the so-called "lex assassination", it did not find any reason for such an amendment in the abbreviated legislative procedure without prior expert discussion.
It therefore called on the Government of the Slovak Republic to delete Article VII from the draft law on certain measures to improve the security situation in the Slovak Republic and on the National Council of the Slovak Republic not to adopt the amendment to the Criminal Code contained in Article VII of the draft law on certain measures to improve the security situation in the Slovak Republic.