Candidates for the election for the post of the Slovak judge at the European Court of Human Rights and at the General Court of the European Union

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On 19th of September 2023 the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic will elect candidates for a judge to serve on behalf of the Slovak Republic in international judicial bodies.

For the European Court of Human Rights nominations are:

  • Ms. DLUGOŠOVÁ Zuzana, Vice-Chair of the Network of European Integrity and Whistleblowing Authorities, President of the Whistleblower Protection Office, Member of the European Commission Expert Group on the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the Protection of Persons who report breaches of Union Law and a Lecturer of Legal Ethics at the Department of Legal Theory and Legal Philosophy at Law Faculty of Comenius University; curriculum vitae HERE
  • Ms. DOLNÍKOVÁ ŽABKOVÁ Marcela, a Judge of Slovak District Court in Žilina, postgraduate in several international educational programmes for judges also at the European Court of Human Rights, curriculum vitae HERE
  • Mr. GIBA Marián, listed Ad hoc Judge at the European Court of Human Rights and Associate Professor and Lecturer at Law faculty of Comenius University, Advisor of the President of the Slovak Republic for Constitutional and Judicial matters, Member of the Commission for Legislation of the Slovak Parliament, curriculum vitae HERE
  • Mr. HAMRAN Ladislav, current President of EUROJUST, curriculum vitae HERE
  • Mr. LACIAK Ondrej, Chair of the Criminal Law Committee of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe, listed Ad hoc Judge at the European Court of Human Rights, Vice-president of the Slovak Bar Association, curriculum vitae HERE
  • Mr. PROCHÁZKA Radoslav, an Advisor at Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic and Attorney at law, curriculum vitae HERE
  • Ms. VIKARSKÁ Zuzana, Advocate and a Judicial Law clerk at Czech Constitutional Court, curriculum vitae HERE

For the General Court of the European Union there is one nominee:

Mr. KIANICKA Michal, Senior Legal counsel for the Institutional Affairs at the European Stability Mechanism, curriculum vitae HERE

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