President of the Judicial Council met Italian Judge Mr. Raffael Greco

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On the 3rd of May 2023 President of the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Jan Mazak, met in its official seat His Honour Judge Raffael Greco from Italy. President of the Judicial Council welcomed Mr. Greco, who came to Slovakia as a part of an internship programme within ACA –Europe (Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union).

The purpose was mainly to exchange information and get to know the judicial systems of the Member States of the International organization ACA - Europe. Mr. Judge was interested in the competencies of the Judicial Council regarding personnel issues. He also opened the issue of the asset declarations of Slovak judges, as well as their judicial competence. He appreciated that the Slovak Judicial Council is defined in the Slovak Constitution as a constitutional body of judicial legitimacy. As Mr. Mazak said: „The working method of the Judicial Council of the Italian Republic is comparable to our method of operation. They organize plenary sessionsand also have various commissions that prepare factual documents, similar to ours. We could draw inspiration and practical experience from them, because our new competences are actually applied only for 2,5 years“.

Since the process of selecting judges is very complex, the President of the Council paid special attention to it by explaining the whole process. He did not miss any important part from the selection procedures, through the proceedings before the inspecting commissions of the Judicial Council to the plenary session of the Council, who has a final word who among candidates meets the judicial prerequisites and can be proposed to the President of the Slovak Republic for theappointment as a judge.


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