The Slovak delegation visited the Hungarian National Judicial Council
The Slovak delegation of the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic headed by Marcela Kosová, the President of the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic on the invitation of the Hungarian National Judicial Council, visited Budapest to get to know more about the functioning of the Hungarian judicial system. The delegation also included Ayše Pružinec Eren, the Vice-President of the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic, along with Magdaléna Hromcová, a member of the Judicial Council of the SR, and representatives of the Office of the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic. The first stop of the visit was the Hungarian Academy of Justice, where the delegation was welcomed by the members of the Hungarian National Judicial Council headed by the President of the Hungarian National Judicial Council Péter Szabó In addition to the director of the Hungarian Academy of Justice, Éva Hajnal. During the presentation at the Judicial Academy, the Slovak delegation learned more about the Academy´s functioning and the history of its establishment, and individual judges who work at the Hungarian Academy of Justice presented their activities. During the discussion, both sides shared professional and practical information about the process of selecting judges. Marcela Kosová also described how the vetting of candidates for this position and the training of judges at the judicial academy are taking place in Slovakia. The Slovak delegation was also welcomed by György Seney, the Chairman of the National Office for the Judiciary. Together with other representatives of the National Office for the Judiciary, they explained the reasons and the need for the creation of the office. The office, among other things, ensures the financing of the judiciary. As part of the discussion on the functioning of the justice system, it became clear that both countries have to deal with similar problems in this area.
The program of the delegation also included a visit to the Judicial Council of Hungary. The official meeting took place with the participation of several representatives of the Judicial Council, headed by the chairman Péter Szabó, and the Vice-President Rita Varga. "I was interested in the fact that the Judicial Council in Hungary consists exclusively of judges, while the only member not elected by the judges is the President of the Curia. However, he is a happy member of their Judicial Council, since the members of the Judicial Council elect the chairman from among themselves", stated the President of the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic, Marcela Kosová. The one-day foreign business trip ended with a visit to the "Curia" (Supreme Court). It was again held with the participation of the top representatives of this institution – President András Zs. Varga and Vice-President of the General and Civil Law Section Katalin Böszörményiné Kovács. After getting acquainted with the functioning of this court, they discussed, for example, the questions of the retirement age of judges, the interest in the profession of a judge from other legal professions, or the most common problems of the justice system of both countries. "The visit to Budapest was very stimulating, the meetings were pleasant and the discussions interesting. We will be happy if our colleagues from Hungary accept the invitation to Bratislava next year", concluded Marcela Kosová.